Source System Defaults


From here, the administrator can set default setting for each dimension in the selected Source System.
Source System Defaults are used for the default configuration of reports (e.g. Point of View, Comments).
Only users with Report Admin permission can edit Source System defaults. 


Select 'Source System Defaults' from the menu under 'Settings' in the upper menu. In the panel which will appear:

  • the left side shows the available Source Systems and the selected one
  • the middle area lists the dimensions inside the selected Source System and shows their default settings when the Source System is set as Primary Source System in the report and when the Source System is used in a report but is not set as primary
  • the right side show default settings of the selected Source System concerning Point of Views, Comments and other settings



Set Initial Values

Initial Values determine the default member selected in the OLAP cube for each dimension, i.e. the dimension member for which to show data in the report. This setting applies even when the dimension is not used as filter in Point of View Bar.
Custom settings, valid for a particular report, can be set through the Settings Panel when editing the report.

  • Initial Value When Primary - determines the dimension member selected by default in reports using the current Source System as primary Source System.
  • Initial Value When NOT Primary -  determines the dimension member selected by default in reports using some list defined on the current Source System, but using a different Source System as primary.

To edit the Initial Value when Primary or the Initial Value when NOT primary, double click on the relative cell in the central grid.

  • The default Initial Value is 'Central'. When this option is selected, the report will keep the selection as in the report the user was viewing before navigating to the current report.
    e.g. the user was viewing a report showing data for 2014, then moves to another report, this new report will automatically show data for 2014.
  • When the Source System is not Primary, the default Initial Value is 'Follow Primary'. When this option is selected, if the dimension exists also in the primary Source System, the system will consider the member selected in the Primary Source System and automatically select the matching member (if any) in the current Source System.  
  • When a dimension is selected as Default Point of View in the right panel, Initial Values can't be edited from the central grid but only from the right panel.

Default Point of View Settings

Expanding 'Default Point of View Settings' in the right panel you can configure how the Point of View Bar will appear by default when a report uses the current Source System as Primary Source System.
Custom settings, valid for a particular report, can be set through the Settings Panel when editing the report.

Set the Dimensions to Appear in Point of View Bar

  • Click on 'Set Dimensions' inside the 'Default Point of View Settings' section of the right panel
  • A popup will appear allowing you to select the dimensions to appear as filters in the Point of View Bar

Adding a new dimension it will get default values both for Hierarchy and Initial Value. They will appear in light grey. View the following section on how to set them. 

Set the Initial Value and Available Hierarchy

  • Double click on a dimension inside the 'Default Point of View Settings' section 
  • The popup to configure how the dimension's combo will work in the Point of View Bar will appear.

Dimension Hierarchy determines the options to appear appear in dimension's dropdown inside the Point of View Bar: 

  • Full Hierarchy - all members of the dimension will be available
  • Descendants of - only the descendants of a selected member will be available. You can choose whether to show the member itself (Include Top) or only its descendants (Exclude Top)
  • Use List - a Shared List will be used. Only the list members will be available. Only List defined on the dimension can be selected.

If a dimension is flat, e.g. year, the 'Dimension Hierarchy' section will not appear.

Initial Value determines the member selected by default in the dimension's dropdown inside the Point of View Bar: 

  • Do not specify ('Central') - as the user navigates between reports the dimension member which was selected in the report he comes from will be kept, e.g. if the user was viewing October month in the previous report, moving to the report October will be pre-selected
  • Set to - it is possible to select a specific member or variable (e.g. Current). 


Expanding 'Comments' section in the right panel you can configure how the Comments section will work for reports using the current Source System as primary Source System.
Custom settings, valid for a particular report, can be set through the Settings Panel when editing the report.

Set Dimensions to use as Narrative Keys

With this setting, the admin can specify the Dimension(s) used to store the POV comments. If a dimension is chosen, this means that comments will be associated to the dimension’s member selected in the Point of View. e.g. if Year dimension is Narrative Key, comments inserted when '2015' is selected in the Point of View Bar, will not be visible when '2016' is selected. At more general level the Narrative Key determines if the dimension is part of the key for the comments (narratives) created by a user for this report. 

When more dimension are set as Narrative Keys, the comments will be associated to the intersection of the selected dimension members.
e.g. Month, Year, Entity are all Narrative Keys. Inserting a comment for October 2015  for USA, the comment will not be visible when China is selected nor when September if selected.

To set the dimensions to use as narrative keys click on 'Set Dimensions' in Comments section of the right panel.


Set Roll Up

If RollUp is checked, comments associated to a member of the dimension will be visible inside ‘Subsidiary Comments’ (and can even be consolidated) when a parent member are selected. Only one (hierarchical) dimension can (and should) have the RollUp selection.

Other Default Settings

Apart from the Point of View and Comments setting and the initial values of dimensions, the user can also maintain the values of a number of common settings that could vary between Source Systems.
Double click on any row to edit the current settings.Â