Settings Panel


All the reports settings are available in the Settings Panel, organized in groups. In the text below, you will find explanation for each of the groups and the settings in them.



General settings contain the name of the report and its position in the menu. In case the report is not present in the menu, you have an option to place it menu. Place in menu button will open the Menu Items (Manage) section.

Report TitleThe title of the report
Position in menuAll positions where the report appears inside the Menu and, for each of them, the Users / Users groups authorized to view it.

Point of View & Dimensions

Point of View and Dimensions group contains Point of View settings which includes the Type of Hierarchy of the POV Dimensions and the default value and the other dimensions and their values. Default Point of View settings are the ones set for the Primary Source of the report. However, the admin can set limitations on the available Point of View by User/ User Group  with the Point of View Security Filters.

Point of View

DimensionDimensions which will be displayed in Point of View
HierarchyHierarchy to be provided inside the Point of View drop down
Default ValueDefault value for the dimension in the Point of View


List of all dimensions in the Cube with possibility to set the value to be considered for the Point of Views. Dimensions which appear as selectable Point of Views over the report are disabled. If a value of a dimension is changed from the default it will appear in light blue. By clicking on the gear associated to the row the admin can reset it to the default value. In order to reset all dimensions to their default values, click on ‘Reset to defaults’ over the dimensions grid.



List of setting related with the report content such as lists used for rows or columns. Since these settings are different for each report type, these settings are explained along with the Templates in CXO.

Labels, Formats and Colors

Settings related to the Labels and Colors and Formats used in the report. These settings are also different for each report type and  are explained along with the Templates in CXO.


Settings related to the Variance and its format. Explained in details in Templates articles.


Settings that do not belong in the previously mentioned groups. Different for every report type.


Narrative Key

With this setting, the admin can specify the Dimension(s) used to store the POV comments. If a dimension is chosen, this means that comments will be associated to the dimension’s member selected in the Point of View. If RollUp is checked, comments associated to a member of the dimension will be visible inside ‘Subsidiary Comments’ when a parent member are selected. Only one (hierarchical) dimension can (and should) have the RollUp selection.

Narrative TemplateThe comments template (i.e. Narrative Template) to be used.
Master Narrative ReportWhen a Master Narrative Report is set, the Report will inherit the POV Comments from the Master Narratives Report.
Child Narratives LabelA replacement for the title Subsidiary Comments in the Comments section