Rebuild a Trend Graph using a Free Format Template

To create a graph which mimics the "Trends" template chart, where positive numbers come as green and negative as red, please read this article.

This article will give guidance how to create a Trend Graph template.


  • Create New Template and name both the template as well as the report and add it to a report menu

  • Add the Bars And Lines Chart Object to your template. The list, cube calculations and formats will be created in the next steps and added to your template.  Set the Control Properties

  • Add the Item Selector Object to your template and add the list you want to use for the Trend Graph report (e.g. Profit and Loss list). Set the Control Properties.

  • The template is done, now save your layout.

The template has been created. We will now create the different formats.

  • Go to Maintain Formats and create the following formats:

     Use the following color codes:











    The formats have been created, we will now create the cube calculations. The variance threshold is captured in the cube calculations. In this example we use a threshold of -5%;0%

  • Create the following cube calculations:

     i)        CXO_TG_VAR_RED

    ii)        CXO_TG_VAR_GREEN 

    iii)     CXO_TG_VAR_ORANGE

The cube calculations have been created, we will now create the list.

  • Create the following list

The list has been created, we will now finish the template and the report.

  • Open the template parameters and set the parameters as below:



The template and report have been created.


By copying the current report and adding some lists and changing the parameters we can create a graph which is similar to the graph on the homepage.

  • Copy the Trend Graph report
  • Create the following list

  • Open the template parameters and set the parameters as below:

The report has been created.Â