Free Format Templates


Free format templates are report templates that are converted from a Free Format Report. The Administrator can easily standardize the report format into a template, so other Report Creator can leverage the template for new reports.


Create Free Format Template

Free Format Report can be converted to Template by the admin. To do so, select the Free Format Report, click on the gear that will appear on the right side and choose the "Convert to Template" option. After this, the Template will be avaliable for creating new Reports.

Create Report from Free Format Template

To create a Report from the Free Format Template, the admin should locate the Free Format Template, select it, click on the gear that will appear on the right side and choose the "Create New Report" option.


Convert Report made from Free Format Template to Free Format Report

In case you need to convert a Report made from Free Format Template to Free Format Report, the admin should locate the report, select it, click on the gear that will appear on the right side and  choose the "Convert to Free Format Report" option.


Delete a Free Format Template

Free Format Templates can be deleted only if there is no report, published or unpublished connected to it.