Installation Prerequisites (online)

This page describes the prerequisites and preparations for installing and configuring the CXO-Cockpit as a dashboard. It does not describe the installation and configuration itself.

The tables should be used as a check-list: either the indicated piece of information must be provided (enter it in the ‘Information’ column) or the specified action should be carried out / component should be installed (put a check-mark in the ‘Done’ column).

CXO-Cockpit Application Server

Requirement / ActionInformationDone
Windows 2008 R2 / 2012  / 2016

Amount of RAM (min. 8 GB, preferably 16 GB)

Check Disk Space available (> 25 GB)

Name (full DNS)


Account to log on

Domain (if applicable)


SQL Server Management Studio installed (optional)[2]

[1]. If you cannot provide this, then make sure it is available during installation or ensure that someone can logon.

[2]. During installation, we have to set some security properties in Analysis Services. Furthermore, it might be convenient to do some checks in the SQL Server databases of the CXO-Cockpit application. To facilitate that we need access to SQL Server, either through an instance of the SQL Server Management Studio on the CXO-Cockpit application server or by getting the Windows log-on credentials for the Windows server where SQL Server is installed (see below).

Microsoft Components

The following Microsoft Components should be available on the server : 

Requirement  / ActionInformationDone
IIS 7 / IIS 8 / IIS 10

.NET Framework 4.7.1 or higher
(CXO software will install it if the server can access the Internet)

Service Account

For communication between the Web-application and the OLAP database and for running the CXO-Cockpit services, we need a service account.  If Analysis Services (see below) is installed on the CXO-Cockpit application server, this service account can be a local machine account. Otherwise, it should be a Domain account. The password of the account should never expire.

Requirement InformationDone


Domain (if applicable)

SQL Server

Requirement  / ActionInformationDone
Edition (Enterprise/ Standard / Express[3])

Version ( 2008 / 2012 / 2014 / 2016 / 2017)
(SQL server 2012 or newer is recommended)

Windows Server Name (full DSN)


Instance name (or specific port)[4]

SQL Account (role = dbcreator[5])


Domain (or local) account to log-on to the server


[3]. Express Edition can be used if Analysis Services runs on another server (Analysis Services requires Enterprise Edition or Standard Edition)

[4]. The instance name can be equal to the name of the Windows Server. In that case you can ignore this field. Provide information on a specific instance extension or port. E.g., the Windows Server could be named srvsql01.cxo.intra, while the instance is named srvsql01.cxo.intra\prod or srvsql01.cxo.intra;48000

[5]. The ‘dbcreator’ role is only required at the moment of creation of a CXO-Cockpit application. Once created, the role can be degraded to ‘public’.