SAP BPC (Windows and Netweaver)

SAP BPC (Windows)

The OLAP database of SAP BPC is typically installed on the same server as the SQL Server. If not, please fill in the details below with the details of the OLAP database: 

Requirement / ActionInformationDone
Version (2008 / 2012 / 2014 / 2016 / 2017)

Windows Server Name (full DSN)


Instance name (or specific port)

Domain (or local) account to log-on to the server (optional [1])

Database name

Cube name

[1]. Uses Port range 3200-3299. The used port should be opened on the SAP BW Server.

SAP BPC Netweaver (BW)

Requirement / ActionInformationDone
SAP GUI for Windows installed [2] (recommended [3])

BW Server name

BW Server IP address

Instance (port) [4]

Technical cube name [5]

SAP BW user (dialogue user) [6]


Client ID

System ID

[2]. Uses Port range 3200-3299. The used port should be opened on the SAP BW Server

[3]. Not required for a proper functioning of the CXO-Cockpit, but strongly recommended to test MDX queries.

[4]. Port in the 3300-3399 range, which should be opened on the SAP BW Server

[5]. CXO uses the MDX interface to BW. We directly query on the Database Server (usually a Standard Info Cube)

[6]. User should have full read access to the cube. Furthermore he/she should be able to use the MDX test editor of the SAP GUI (MDXTEST).