5.0.5 Release notes

New Features

Line item comments

In Multi-column reports columns can be added now in which users can enter textual comments for each row item.

For more information please see the Comments article.


Bug Fixes


  • Design Studio crashes when you open Full Log in Statistics
  • The name of dimensions looks wrong in the template, which was copied

  • Design Studio crashes when you try to create template with unchecked box "Reports by Template"

  • Design Studio crashes when you create a new linked list like a builder

  • Initial Top and Central Top don't work correctly for member details in Financial Statement and Multiple Scenario

  • The statistics module shows user sessions from another applications within the same master database

  • Second row of controls gallery is not accessible on small screens


  • When you select @@cur for dimensions in a cube calc it does not show the name of the dimension

  • Member details crashes in Financial Statement if you exclude from breakdown all possible dimensions
  • Merge doesn't work right way, when you exclude dimension from the Multilayer merge

  • Unable to email bookmark with the name that contains "&" 


  • The list of items is cut in Item selector in IE 8