CXO-Cockpit Reporting Suite 5.3 Release Notes

New Features

Assign a user to multiple user groups

In order to reduce the administrative overhead on security we have redesigned CXO-Cockpit Security model model. Users can now be member of multiple user groups. User groups also can be member of other user groups and this replaces the previous parent user group setting.

Full Tagetik Compatibility (Deal with non-unique members)

The Tagetik Analytics module that exports EPM data to SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) supports so callled Many-to-Many Relationship dimensions. These kind of dimensions can have identical member names with different values. In order to support this there is a new feature to identify a member by id. This can only be setup when you create an application or source system. Read more about the configuration of this feature in the Member Storage Identification article.

Combined font-style formats (e.g. Bold and Underline)

As of now it is possible to combine multiple font-style format. It is possible to format text bold and underline at the same moment.
Read about applying font style formats in the Format article.

Android App

Together with 5.3 we also released an Android app. This android app does not require version 5.3 to run, but has the same compatibility as the iPad& IPhone app. Read more about our mobile apps in the CXO-Mobile App article.

Password change on the mobile apps

Password change on the mobile apps is now available. Password change is only supported with the proprietary authentication adapter.

New security features to protect against malicious actions

Three new features to to protect against malicious actions have been added:

  • Prevent script injection by checking the HTML that is sent by the narratives editor to the server. The checking is done using a white-list.
  • Anti-forgery tokens in all POST methods, this prevents that someone can let you make a post to server using a link outside the application without he user noticing this (Cross-Site Request Forgery).
  • Certain features can now be disabled using the CXO-Cockpit Server Configurator -> Settings:
    • File Upload in web template (setting is ‘Feature Enabling: File Upload’)
    • SQL function in Custom Description (setting is ‘Feature Enabling: SQL in Dynamic Expression’)

Preview-function for Cube-calcs / MDX lists

The preview function for cube calcs and MDX lists allows you to see the translated values for variables and '@@CUR' values

Connect to SAP via a Messaging Server

An important performance improvement for SAP BPC Netweaver could be realized by building a connector to a BW Message Server. This enables load-balancing of sessions which prevents queuing of MDX-queries in case of a high load of reporting requests. Read more about this feature in the SAP BPC - NetWeaver article.

Have line graphs display dot for single data point

In line charts that contain isolated periods a small shape is automatically added.
The example below shows this concept, Week01 is an isolated period (no period before week01 and week02 is empty) so the chart shows shapes on the line. If the shapes would not have been shown there would be no way to see the value on week01.

Bug Fixes


  • DEV-5110 Android and iOS issue: when check-box "User must change password" is checked, you are not redirected to the screen "Change password"
  • DEV-5068 If you add or delete user group the list of user groups will be not updated for users without refreshing metadata
  • DEV-5063 User password requirements (regex expression) do not seem to be applied int the change password form
  • DEV-5060 Issue with preview generation (Odd previews)
  • DEV-5058 Cannot add item to Consolidated List
  • DEV-5054 Error upgrading Repository
  • DEV-5053 Unable to save checkbox "User must change password"
  • DEV-5051 Design Studio crashes when you add new user and try to set POV filters
  • DEV-5048 Printing doesn't work If you disable creating of view
  • DEV-5025 New reports are not visible in Menu reports
  • DEV-5019 HTML in custom description is not encoded
  • DEV-5014 When the same dimensions are used in both the Reference Categories list as in the Side Trend list, the Side control is not working anymore in Ranking and Financial Statement templates
  • DEV-4920 Design Studio is hanging when you select "Geograpy" in cube calculation editor in Essbase application
  • DEV-4858 Line chart labels outside frame
  • DEV-4857 Relative sizes bullets in portfolio not correct
  • DEV-4820 Check Settings don't work for lists
  • DEV-4690 Multi-source: MDX error not shown


  • Improved list import and export functionality

  • DEV-5121 Zooming in benchmark template

  • DEV-5120 Format combination row-column issue

  • DEV-5106 Preview images completely differs from reports when you don't use any users for previews generation

  • DEV-5104 Image is not shown in POV comments while you are playing a storyboard

  • DEV-5096 Preview image for the report "Sales - Variance" is not shown correctly

  • DEV-5095 Some preview images are not available

  • DEV-5091 If you have found an application in settings and not pressed "Done", back button give you login screen for this application (Android)

  • DEV-5085 MultiChart report with five or six charts results in almost empty page when printed.

  • DEV-5075 Automatic refresh after POV change not working with multiple selections

  • DEV-5073 iOS change password: strange message if you leave one of the fields blank

  • DEV-5069 When you change password on iPad you is not logged in automatically like on web-site

  • DEV-5067 When creating of views is not allowed, you can still create a link for the view

  • DEV-5055 Cannot view POV filters for new user

  • DEV-4943 Design Studio crashes, when you set unavailable member in Top member for hierarchy filter

  • DEV-4906 Statistic "Times used" doesn't work for POV lists

  • DEV-4882 Web-site is hanging when you try to save bookmark comments while playing storyboard

  • DEV-4861 Installer issue: web-site crashes if you enable "In process printing"

  • DEV-4795 Numbers of items are not shown in formula editor

  • DEV-4792 The sign of labels for movements is not changed when you reverse sign in Waterfall

  • DEV-4778 Unable to upload the image in IE 8 and 9


  • DEV-5015 The items in the item selector are not updated when the POV is changed, when the period or year dimension is in Reference Categories list and also in the POV (Ranking, Financial Statement templates)

  • DEV-4937 There should be a save conflict message when you try to set a variable to null that used in a report

  • DEV-4929 When you change parent member, the list of dimension members is not updated automatically

  • DEV-4881 When you change the list in the Maintain lists the changes are not applied in the list panel

  • DEV-4516 The control of a long free format report is cut on two pages in PDF format

  • DEV-4463 Warning message when you change password to an invalid

  • DEV-1984 Error message is not shown when you change password through the link "Change password"