How to show all users of a group

When you want to know the list of all users with access to specific group

Step-by-step guide

  1. Identify the group name for which you want to know the list of members (it can be found from the "User Groups" menu of the CXO-Designer)

    In this example, we want to know the list of all headquarter administrators :

  2. Access to the CXO repository database and execute the following SQL query :
SELECT su.Username, su.FullName AS 'Full Name', su.Email, su.Domain AS 'Location'
FROM [SecurityUsers] su
INNER JOIN [SecurityUserGroupMemberships] sugm ON su.Id = sugm.SecurityUserId
INNER JOIN [SecurityGroups] sg ON sg.Id = sugm.SecurityGroupId
WHERE sg.Name = 'ADM'
Note : the group name need to be adjusted (e.g. 'ADM' -> Headquarter administrator) in the WHERE clause.