5.0.3 Release notes

New Features

Color palette for charts

The default colors used in charts can now be customized. For more information, please see the /wiki/spaces/CXO64/pages/625869230 article. 

Copy free format templates

It is now possible to copy free format templates. For more information on free format templates, please see the Free Format Report article. 

Horizontal orientation for the bars and lines chart

As of version 5.0.3 charts can be depicted either vertically or horizontally. Read more about charts and setting the orientation in the Multiple Bar & Line Charts acticle.

Bug Fixes


  • "Chart colors" are not copied when you copy a palette
  • Bars shouldn't be reversed in Components when you have negative account in dimension settings
  • Web view control is empty
  • The square brackets are not allowed for members within the quotes in the script for scripted storyboard
  • The item with formula takes into account the valuation of the first item in formula instead of dimension in settings
  • Only dimensions in POV should be affected by the row selection in Free format table
  • @@ cur is appeared in Account dimension in POV in Free format tables
  • The colors of bars are wrong in Waterfall report when you have item selector with none-account dimension
  • Wrong version (5.0) in the infobox and installer
  • Variance Percentage Precision doesn't work on Home page
  • The Value Tree report should use the complete space of the screen
  • Item selector works wrong, when you use for it @@cur for Year dimension in the list
  • Error in MDX statement on financial statement when dimension name contains space
  • Suppression No Data and Zeros doesn't work good in Multi-column (TMF)
  • MDX lists in POV should be checked that the text doesn't contain @@cur


  • White row is not appeared when you select something in report's menu on small screen of the desctop
  • The tab "Subsidiary comments" is not hidden, when you select base member in POV
  • Strange connection line is appeared between boxes in Value tree when item has no Parent item (Atradius)
  • Export jobs popup is draggable only one time if you open it by printing buttons
  • Report parameters "Rotate labels" and "Labels Intersect Action" are needed for Bridge
  • We should give clear message that the list shouldn't contain @@cur as a parent member