Manage Source Systems

In the CXO Desig Studio, the IT Admin can see and change or delete all the source systems that are already added or add a new source systems.

Existing Source Systems

The existing source systems are displayed in diffarent Tabs in the Design Studio as on the Example below where there are three source systems: demo, second and macro.. To rename a source system, select the respective tab and click on the Rename Source System Button. To delete it, use the Delete Source System Button. You can also change some of the Application, OLAP and Relational Database Connection details after which the Save Button will be enabled.

New Source Systems

To add a New Source system, you should click on the Add Source System button. There are two ways for a CXO - Cockpit to connect to a source system:

  • Integration adapter
  • Direct source integration

All details regarding the both types of connections can be found in Source Systems article.