
Valuable additional written information can be communicated and exchanged via a Microsoft Word style-editor within the CXO-Cockpit itself by using comments. There are three types of comments:

  • Point of View (POV) Comments
  • Subsidiary Comments
  • Bookmark Comments

The CXO-Cockpit will automatically select a default comment type per report. By clicking on the tabs you can switch to another comment type. In order to make the comment reading area bigger (full screen), select "Full Screen" option from within the Comments Tool Bar.


Roles & Permissions

A user can have rights to Read, Edit, Lock and Unlock comments. Read more about User Permissions Regarding Comments.

Narrative Key 

The Narrative Key is set in the Settings Panel and defines Dimension(s) used to store the POV comments. If the Entity, Period and Year dimensions are set to Yes, this means that comments can be saved for every Entity, Period and Year combination. Normally you set the Narrative Key value to Yes for every Dimension included in the POV.  An exception could be the Currency/Value Dimension which can be part of the POV but does not require specific comments for every different currency.  Additionally you can select whether the dimension should have Subsidiary Comments Rollup to the Parent by selecting the option RollUp for one dimension, typically the Entity dimension.

POV Comments

The POV comments are related to the current report and the selected Point of View. These comments can be read by anybody that has access rights to CXO-Cockpit and the specific Point of View.

Possible actions with Comments menu: (Availability depends on user rights, read more about this in the User Roles Regarding Comments section)

  • Edit: With this action the user can open the Comments Editor and edit the comment.
  • Manage Attachments: With this action the user can attach and manage attachments.
  • Copy Children to POV Comments: With this action the user can copy the Comments entered for the Child members (child Entities) to the current level.
  • Copy Base to POV Comments: With this action the user can copy the Comments entered for the Base members to the current level.
  • Copy from Previous Period: With this action the user can copy the Comments entered in the previous period to the currently selected period.
  • Clear: With this action the user can Clear all comments and resets Narrative Template if available.
  • View History: When this option is selected, the View & Compare Comments selection screen is opened where every change of the comments is listed.

Subsidiary Comments

The Subsidiary Comments are comments that have been entered for the subsidiaries (child values) on the same report for the same Point of View.  Any dimension in the POV can be set to have Subsidiary Comments by selecting a Narrative Key value of RollUp in the Report Settings. Only 1 dimension in each report can have the Narrative Key value of RollUp.

Possible actions With Comments menu: (Availability depends on user rights, read more about this in the User Roles Regarding Comments section)

  • Copy Children to POV Comments: With this action the user can copy the Comments entered for the Child members (child Entities) to the Parent level.
  • Copy Base to POV Comments: With this action the user can copy the Comments entered for the Base members to the Parent level.
  • Switch to Base members: With this action the user can switch the view to the comments for the Base level members of the chosen hierarchy
  • Copy Children to Bookmark Comments: With this action the user can copy the Subsidiary Comments to the Bookmark Comments
  • Copy Base to Bookmark Comments: With this action the user can copy the Base level Comments to the Bookmark Comments

Bookmark Comments

Bookmark comments are related to a bookmark and not to the point of view. Bookmark comments are displayed in Storyboards, CXO Views and reports that were opened from a Bookmark email.

Possible actions with Comments menu: (Availability depends on user rights, read more about this in the User Roles Regarding Comments section)

  • Edit: With this action the user can Open the Comments Editor and edit the comment
  • Clear: With this action the user can Clear all comments and resets Narrative Template if available

Sharing Narratives & Comments between Reports

Some reports use the comments & narratives of another report. To warn you that you are editing a comment belonging to another report the message 'You are editing the narrative of "XXXXX" report' appears. Your Administrator can set up this functionality.

Line Item Comments

In Multi-Column reports, columns can be added allowing detailed comments at the level of individual line-items within a report. There is not a limit on how many characters can be typed.

The Item Type set in Content Panel determines if a dimension is used to store the Line item comments. Item Type should be set as comment so that Item could be Line Item comment.