Report Dimensions


Together with the report parameters, the report dimensions define the look & feel and behavior of the reports. Use the report dimensions to define the following:


Every template and report has its own set of report dimensions. The report dimensions can be maintained from the CXO-Cockpit Design Studio in the parameter panel.


Template Dimensions vs Report Dimensions

Within the CXO-Design Studio you can edit both templates and reports. The templates are used to set the right defaults, the reports inherit these defaults and can be overwritten. When a report dimension is changed and saved, the background color of the report dimension turns blue. This means that the value differs from the template. If you want to restore the template default on your report, you can click the ´Template Default´ button.

Report Dimension Attributes

The report dimensions have the following attributes:

DimensionThis column contains all dimensions as specified in the CXO-Cockpit Dimensions
ListSpecify a list that will determine the members that will be available for selection from the POV for this dimension.

The initialization attribute defines how each dimension is initialized upon opening of the report and has the following possible values:

  • Central: no specific value is specified and the value from a previous report is used. This is usually applied to the Entity, Year and Period dimension: when you selected a specific member for these dimensions on a previous report, you want to use these selections also on the current report
  • Central Top: with Central Top you can set a different node as Top Node. (Navigation is like "Central")
  • Initial: irrespective of the member selected in a previous report, the dimension is initialized to the specified member.
  • Initial Top: with Initial Top you can set a different node as Top Node. (Navigation is like " Initial")
ParameterThe parameter attribute contains the dimension member or dimension variable for the dimension. This field can only be used when the initialization has been set to initial.
ValueThe value column is read only and is used to translates the dimension variables of the parameter attribute
Initialisation (Second)This parameter attribute is only used when a Multi Source Report is configured possible values are "Follow Primary" to use the parameter set for the primary source or "Fixed" to set a specific parameter for the second source dimension.
ParameterThe parameter attribute contains the dimension member or dimension variable for the dimension. This field can only be used when the initialization has been set to Fixed for the second source
ValueThe value column is read only and is used to translates the dimension variables of the parameter attribute
POV Order

The POV order specifies two things:

  • If the dimension is displayed in the point of view bar or not (POV Order: 0 means not displayed)
  • At what position the dimension is displayed in the point of view bar
Narrative KeyThe Narrative Key defines if this dimension is used to store the POV Comments.  If the Entity, Period and Year dimensions are set to Yes, this means that comments can be saved for every Entity, Period and Year combination. Normally you set the Narrative Key value to Yes for every Dimension that has a POV Order higher than 0.  An exception could be the Currency/Value Dimension which can be part of the POV but does not require specific comments for every different currency. Additionally you can select whether the dimension should have Subsidiary Comments Rollup to the Parent by selecting the option RollUp for one dimension, typically the Entity dimension.


Description attribute allows to override the report dimension name, the way it appears on the report POV and the Dimension Breakdown list (in Financial Statement Template). To create an override, a new dimension description needs to be typed in.
ExcludeFromBreakDownThis attribute allows to exclude a particular dimension from the report dimension breakdown. Report dimension breakdown is applied on the side pane of the Financial Statement Template. By putting a tick next to the dimension, you assure that it will not be appear in the dimension breakdown.