Labels, Formats and Colors

Settings related to the Labels, Colors and Formats used in the report. These settings are also different for each report type and are explained along with the Templates in CXO.

Hide Column HeadersIf the headers of the column should not be visible, this checkbox can be used to hide them
Merge ColumnsThe same descriptions will be merged. Single merge will combine all identical descriptions onto one line and Multi will spread all descriptions over multiple lines
Exclude from mergeA dimension that shouldn't be merged can be chosen
Freeze headersWhen scrolling down the headers and/or rows of the table will remain on top of the screen
Member description positionThe position of the descriptions of the row items (standard position is 0 meaning at the beginning of the table)
Label column widthThe width of the column can be set. Standard is not selected as it keeps it responsiveness. This can be overwritten by setting a width measured in PX
Default row heightThe height of the row can be set, this will only work when making use of the Microchart
TitleThe used object can be given a title
ScaleThe standard scaling of the report can be overwritten per object
PrecisionThe standard precision of the report can be overwritten per object
Replace blanks byBlanks can be replaced by a sign when desired (e.g. "-")