Generate Previews functionality


Generate Previews functionality is used to create the report previews and make them available within the report menus. Report Previews give a user an understanding of how the report looks and which CXO-Cockpit Template has been used to create it:

You can select a specific user for previews generation

Every night the CXO Storyboard generator generates all the previews for all the users, this can take quite a lot of time depending on your setup. You can select 1 specific user that these previews will run on and those previews will be used for all the users. Users will still only be able to see the report previews for the reports they have access to and not all the reports that the "preview generator user" has access to.

To select this user start the CXO Design studio and select the Security and Navigation tab then select users. Here you need to click advanced to be able to see the "Use for previews generation". Tick here the right user to be used for the previews and press save. You can now wait for the nightly job to run the previews or select it manually as described below.

How to Generate Report Previews

  • Report Previews are generated within the CXO Design Studio.
  • To generate the Report Previews open "Other" tab in the Design Studio

  • The following message will appear:

  • After you press "OK" you will get the following message:

Please note, that the Report Previews are generated overnight with the help of CXO-Cockpit Agent Service.