Point of View Security Filters


The POV security filters allow to filter the dimension members that are shown in the POV bar. With this functionality users can be restricted to see only their own entity, product group, cost center, etc. The POV security filters, filter only the POV bar and do not filter members that are defined in lists. This means that if a user that is restricted to the Europe entities opens a multi-column report with Europe and Asia entities on the rows, it can still see both entities. In this case the Report Authorization module should be used to prevent the Europe user to see this global report.


The POV security filters can be found by clicking on the drill button of a user group.


A POV security filter has the following attributes:




The dimension attribute contains the three character acronym of the cockpit dimension that should be filtered. Only when a dimension is mentioned in the list it will be filtered. By not specifying a specific dimension all members of that dimension will be displayed.

Dimension Member

Contains a dimension member of the specified dimension. This member (and its child members) will be always displayed in the POV bar. By specifying more than one member from one dimension a whole new structure can be generated like Europe West region and two individual countries (Poland and Ukraine) from the Europe East region.

Instead of a particular dimension member, you can also select dimension variable, which saves the time, spent on maintenance by replacing many used dimension members with variables.

Generations to include

Defines the number of child generations to include below the specified dimension member. By default this value is 'All'. By specifying a different value you are able to show for example the Europe entity with the sub regions: East Europe and West Europe, but not the individual countries of East and West Europe.


In case more than one member of the same dimension is used, the order field can be used to influence the order in which they are showed.

Efficient Maintenance using membership of other groups

It could be that many user groups need a similar set of filters. For this specific reason you can create a base User Group and make other the other user groups member of this base user group The other user groups will inherit the security filters from the base group and you will only have to maintain the base group. Each group can than still have its own security filters next to the base filters. It is also possible to inherit security filters from a group that also inherited security filters from another group.

See Also