Maintaining Color Palettes

Colors can be customized by application as well as by report. This allows our customers to use a company standard set of colors or adapt them to the audience’s preferences.
To customize your colors, you will first need to create a new Color Palette:

  1.  In the Report Administration menu select Maintain Palettes
  2.  Press Add to add a new Palette
  3. Give a name to a new palette and use Color Picker to set Actual Color, Reference Color, Positive Variance Color, Negative Variance Color, Neutral Variance Color, Undefined Variance Color and a set of up to 20 default colours to be used in Charts ( each colour selected will be used sequentially for each item in the Chart)
  4.  Press Save button

To apply the newly created palette to a report, perform the following steps:

  1. From Advanced Report Parameters select Palette
  2. Select the required Palette
  3. Save the edited parameter