Versions Compared


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From Permissions tab, the admin can set the permissions that the User or User Group will have.

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Table of Contents

General Permissions

The "Access Mobile Version" permission indicates whether the user or users belonging to a specific group will be able to login in through the CXO-Mobile App.


This set of permissions indicates whether the user or users belonging to a specific group will be able to Edit, Lock, Unlock Comments and View Comments History.

  • View Comments History - Ability to read comments & narratives (Applies to everyone who is allowed to view the data)
  • Edit Comments - Ability to edit comments & narratives
  • Lock Comments - Ability to lock comments & narratives (No more editing allowed)
  • Unlock Comments - Ability to unlock comments & narratives (Usually only the Administrator or the process owner is allowed to unlock)

Draft Data

This set of permissions indicates whether the user or users belonging to a specific group will be able to view Draft Data.

  • View Draft Period Data - Ability to view, and select in the report's Point of View, data from the period marked as 'Draft'
  • View Data Beyond Draft Period - Ability to view, and select in the report's Point of View, data from periods after the 'Draft Period'


General Permissions

The "Access Mobile Version" permission indicates whether the user or users belonging to a specific group will be able to access the mobile version.


This set of permissions indicates whether the user or users belonging to a specific group will be able to Edit, Lock, Unlock Comments and View Comments History.

User Roles Regarding Comments

Each user can have the following roles Regarding Comments:

  • Reader - Able to read comments & narratives (Applies to everyone who is allowed to view the data)
  • Editor - Able to edit comments & narratives
  • Locker - Able to lock comments & narratives (No more editing allowed)
  • Unlocker - Able to unlock comments & narratives (Usually only the Administrator or the process owner is allowed to unlock)

Draft Data

This set of permissions indicates whether he user or users belonging to a specific group will be able to view Draft Period Data or View Data Beyond Draft Period
Action in CXO CockpitReport BuilderReport AdminReports Security AdminIntegration AdminSecurity AdminStoryboard Admin
Create report xx   
View any report x   
View own reports depending on own menu-item permissionsxx   
Modify or delete any report x   
Modify or delete own reports not yet placed in menu xx   
Place reports in the menu x   
Give permissions to view reports  x  

Create and modify shared objects like variables, formats, cube calculations and lists  

Create new private objects from scratch or based on a copy of a public objectxx   
Setup users and user groups    x
Connect CXO-Cockpit to a source system   x 


Table of Contents

Give users access to a storyboard in the CXO - Designer (via Tools)


View Report Builder for more details on this role and on the differences between it and the Report Admin role.

Data Warehouse Adapter

This set of permissions indicates whether the user or users belonging to a specific group will be able to Edit Data Wharehouse Data and Metadata.

Report Builder

The Report Builder can build reports by reusing global (public) objects or creating his own private objects. Report Builders can build new reports or edit the reports they have created themselves.

The User can be created to have Report Buildet Permission or be set as member of User Group that has Report Builder permisiions.

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Report Builder Role Specifics

This is how the Design Studio looks for Report Builder:

SCREEN with user: User1

pass: 654321

The following menus, which are present for Administrators, are hidden from Report Builder:

  1. Users
  2. Menu items
  3. Application Settings

The following Shared Objects are available, but the resulting grids are Read-Only:

  1. Cube Calculations – Only list of avaliable Cube calculations and their details are present
  2. View Lists - Only a list with Shared lists
  3. View Formats - List of Formats and their details
  4. View Variables - List of Variables nad their Details
  5. View Palettes - List and Details
  6. View Narrative Templates - List and Details

Report Builder can view already published reports

When Report Builder views the reports, created by other users (published reports), he cannot modify them. Report Settigs tabs are displayed in read-only mode. In the same way he cannot modify the lists and the formats, used for such reports.

Report Builder can build reports using existing lists or creating linked lists

When Report Builder decides to build a report by using the existing (Shared) lists, these lists will appear as read-only in the Content Panel. Repport Settings become available for modifications.

In this Report Content Settings, Report Builder has the possibility to create Report list which will be used for this report only.

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Report Builder can create Drill-lists and Formats

For each Report List, linked to his Report, Report Builder can create specific Linked List (created for the drill-down from a member of that list) and Formats.

Create a Linked List

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Maintain List Formats

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Report Builder can reuse his own previously created lists

Report Builder can reuse his own previously created lists

When Report Builder creates a copy of his own report lists (but not drill lists), this list will be copied together with all drill lists linked to it. To make the drill list be used in several reports Report Builder should create it on report level first and then copy it in any report he wants.

How Administrator can promote reports

On the Open Report Panel,  Administrator has 4 tabs: Unpublished Reports, Reports by Menu, Reports by Template and Recent Reports. Unpublished Reports section includes the reports, which were created but not published yet. These reports are sorted by the user names, who created the reports.  To publish a report Administrator needs to place it in the menu by selecting the report and clicking on the gaer that will appear.

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Once the report is published by the Admninistrator, the Report Builder cannot edit it anymore. If after publishing the report the Administrator decides whether Report Builder  will be able to see the report
  • Edit Data Warehouse Data - Ability to edit data, save them and process it towards the OLAP cube
  • Edit Data Warehouse Metadata - Ability to maintain and create Metadata and process it towards the OLAP cube.