Versions Compared


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Browsing the menu can be used for navigation through CXO-Cockpit reports. Each report in the menu has a unique name explaining the contents of the report.
Another way of navigating through reports is the Storyboard functionality. More about this functionality can be found in the Storyboard article.

There are also several ways to navigate within reports. Some of the options are:

  • Changing the Point Of View (POV)
  • Drilling down along dimensions
  • Changing the reports Scale and Precision

Navigation along Reports

You can navigate to any report by choosing it from the menu.

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It is also possible to search through all available reports within the menus by using the Search option. Enter at least 3 characters and any matching reports will be available within the menu display

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Additionally, you can navigate to reports by using the Storyboard. The Storyboard is an extremely powerful tool to share CXO-Cockpit information with each other.

The Storyboard is a string of report bookmarks put together to deliver a full story during a Board or Controller's meeting. The Storyboard guides the presenter through the presentation with a media player as shown below. Read more about it in the Storyboard article.

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Navigation within Reports

There are several ways to navigate within reports.

The POV is available in every single report within the CXO-Cockpit. The POV in combination with the variables in the report determine the information you will see in a report. The number of dimensions in the POV is determined by the CXO-Cockpit Captain and can be changed in the CXO-Design Studio. In the Point of View Bar page you can read more about it, including the use of Lists and a search functionality.

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In many reports, Reference Scenarios can be selected from a drop down list. The reference scenario selector allows the user to select to which set of data you want to compare the main set of data and calculate the variances.

Many CXO-Cockpit reports offer the drill functionality.

The Image Removed indicates that a drill option is available. Depending on the report, several drill levels might be available:


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To roll up the drill, the Image Removedbutton next to the parent item should be used:

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To expand to the lowest level on each item for which the drill option is available, the expand button placed above the listed items should be used.

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Similar to the drill for a specific item, using the Image Removedbutton placed above the listed items will collapse all of the open drills.

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By selecting any part of the chart, the end user can Zoom In to enlarge that part and see the details.

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When the section marked in the image above is selected, the chart will display the bars as in the image below. To Zoom Out, the end user should select the Image Removedbutton.

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The scaling and precision can be changed by clicking on the link in the lower left-hand corner of the report (e.g. AMOUNTS IN THOUSANDS). Here you can change the report Scale and the report Precision (number of digits to right of decimal point)

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