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  • Proprietary Security is a CXO-Cockpit specific security model. User names and passwords are stored in the CXO Repository database.
  • Active Directory Security allows you to authorize Users based on existing the Microsoft Active Directory (ADMSAD) directory service.
  • LDAP allows you to authorize Users based on a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory service.


User IDTechnical User nameXXX
Full Name / Display NameUsers full name XX
MailEmail Address  X
PasswordPassword In case of - With MSAD a password has to be entered when the user User is created, but afterwards the MS Microsoft Windows credentials are used. (Active Directory Security) are used.    X
PhonePhone number  X
Location / DomainDomain is mandatory in case of with MSAD. When more than one domain is used they need to be in the same domain forest.XXX
Member of groupsA user is linked to one or more User GroupsXXX
POV FiltersDisplays the POV Filters in effect for the User. POV Filters can only be changed for User Groups. XX
Home Report OverrideUser can select a different Home report Report than the default for the User Group or in the case where there are multiple User Groups. XX
User must change passwordCXO-Cockpit offers the option to let Passwords expire  X
# Days until Password expiresNumber of days until the users password user's Password expires  X
Narrative RoleRead more about user roles in the User Roles Regarding CommentsXXX
Draft DataIs the user allowed to view Draft Data XX
Use Mobile ClientIf mobile client is enabled   
