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From Manage, Application Settings, the user Selecting 'Application Settings' under 'Settings' in the upper menu, the administrator can set the Default Application Home page and generate report previews.


Here, you can choose the report which will mark a report as default Home Page from the list with all Reports

: Default Application Home Page

Default Application Home determines the report to appear in the Home Page when users log in CXO-Cockpit. The Home Page report will be visible to all users, independently from their permissions.
A custom Home Page can be set for specific users through the Reports Tab in the popup to create or edit users and users groups. Only users with Report Admin permission can set the Default Application Home Page.

Both the Default Application Home Page and Custom Home Pages appear in the Open Report Panel under 'Home' group in Reports by Menu Tab.



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From here, the user can generate Report Previews and manage their settings. Only users with Report Previews by clicking on Admin permission can access this function.

Generate Previews for all Reports in the System

Click on 'Generate Reports Previews Now' Button.   The options are to:

  • generate the previews for one (selectable) user group only
  • use a specific color palette for generating the previews

    Image RemovedThe system will generate previews for all reports in the system. 

    Configure Preview Settings

    Inaide the Application Settings panel, under the button it is possible to configure the preview settings:

    • User - The reports will appear in the previews as they appear to the selected user. A demo user can be created for this aim.
    • Colour Palette - The colours used in the report will be those of the selected palette. The default option, 'Use Report Palette', allows to use for each report the palette specified in its settings.

    The preview settings can be edited in any moment independently from generating previews. The settings will be saved automatically. 

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    Generate Previews for a single Report in the System

    This can be done out of the Application Settings panel. The function is available only to the Report Admin.

    1. Select the report inside the Open Report Panel
    2. Click on the gear
    3. Select 'Generate Report Preview' in the menu

    The preview will be generated with the user and colour palette as selected in the Application Settings panel.